Teams Meetings Updates July 2021

This month, as like all other months, Teams brings us some new and exciting features. This blog will focus on some of the main Meetings features released in June! 

  • Lower all raised hands
  • Lock the meeting
  • Spotlight multiple users in a meeting
  • Chat bubbles
  • Inking and laser pointing in PowerPoint presentations

First, we now have the option to Lower All Hands, this means that the presenter does not have to individually lower peoples hands (when they forget to themselves or simply don't bother) in one simple click:

From the ellipses (...) menu in the Participants list, select Lower all hands.

When participants raise their hands, this will now show in the order in which they raised their hands, with the first one to raise their hand on top of the list and so on...

In this same menu, we can also Lock the meeting

When we do this, we stop anyone else joining the meeting, this includes people directly invited or not. When we select this option, we will be prompted with the following waring message, think of this as licking the door to your meeting room!

Now when someone tries to join the meeting, they will get he following message:

It is important to note however, that even though these attendees can not get into the meeting, they CAN still access meeting chat (so they can tell you they can't get into the meeting, and beg for you to allow them in even though they were only 10 mins late, i am guessing) and any shared notes or Wiki... Of course the meeting owner can advise in the chat why the meeting is locked and for how long. This could be a temporary lock to allow some private elements or maybe in a school environment where you want to lock classes if students are late or even just to ensure no disruption to your meeting from late joiners!

Participants can also Spotlight multiple users, Spotlighting a video is like pinning it for everyone in the meeting. If you're an organiser or a presenter, you can choose up to seven people's video feeds (including your own) to highlight for everyone else.
Simply click on the ... beside the persons name on the video and click on Spotlight

Remember, this will be spotlighted for everyone in the meeting so ensure the person is aware they will be spotlighted and happy with this. You can do this 7 times!

While in the meeting, we can also see chat bubbles appear at the top of the screen now, without needing to have the Chat window open at the side bar. This allows more screen real estate and less likely to miss a chat message from a participant.

The message will pop up briefly at the top of the screen:

However, each individual participant can chose if they want to have this on or not. If they don't, they can simply select from the main ... menu at the top of the window.
In here, select Don't show chat bubbles - By default, chat bubbles are shown.

Another cool new feature introduced in June was the Inking and Laser pointing in PowerPoint. This allows the presenter to use laser pointers and inking tools such as markers and highlighters to emphasise their presentation.

The laser pointer moves with your mouse, but if you left click while moving the pointer, it will leave a temporary trail, which will disappear from the screen in just a few seconds:


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