
Showing posts from May, 2021

Manage Meeting Options in Teams App

  You can now manage the meeting options through the Teams app in the meeting itself (rather than the web page management link we used to have to do). To do this from within the meeting, click on the ellipses (...)   button at the top of the window and then select Meeting Options Now we can see, and change any of the default settings: Who can bypass the lobby: Here we can alter the default setting which was set at our tenant level. We may need to open the lobby to others by default in instances where the meeting owner can't make the meeting or want to allow guests join this (or recurring) meetings. We can chose the following options here:   Who can bypass the lobby?  What happens Recommended when... Only you As the meeting organizer, only you can get into your meeting directly. Everyone else will wait in the lobby. You want everyone else to wait in the lobby until you're ready to admit them....

Setting up a Webinar in Teams

  Microsoft Teams now lets users set up a Webinar. The difference between a Teams Meeting and a Webinar is that the user MUST register in advance for the Webinar before getting the link to the meeting. This can be very helpful if you want to control the meeting by knowing your audience before starting. To create a webinar, open the Calendar in our Teams client, then in the top right corner, click the dropdown menu beside New meeting and select   Webinar. We now see that we have the options at the top menu, under Require registration: (None, for people in your org or   For Everyone) NOTE: For everyone is disabled in tenants by default and must be enabled globally. It will be greyed out here if so. To set this as a Teams Administrator, in Teams PowerShell run the command: Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -AllowMeetingRegistration True   Select first who you want to register, then Add title , Required presenters, time and date and details. Remember, this...