
Showing posts from 2016

Show Lync/Skype for Business users primary registrar server in a pool

To show all users registered against each server in a pool (output to text file), run the following Lync/ SFB PowerShell Command. Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | select identity,primarypoolprimaryregistrar |ft > registered-pool-users-DATE.txt You can also view the spread of users per server using the Get-CSConnections.ps1 from Pat Richard  here. This will output similar to the following: This also outputs versions of clients, phones and mobile clients in use in the environment.

Lync Powershell hanging/ Not opening

Occasionally I find servers where Lync Powershell will simply hang indefinitely and not open up. Adding the module in Windows PowerShell works so the following usually fixes the problem. From an Elevated Windows PowerShell run the following command: powershell.exe –noexit –command “cd $env:UserProfile; Import-Module ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1’ ” Fixed :)

Lync/Skype For Business Front End Server add fails

Had another very strange issue today when trying to add a third Front End Server to an existing pool. Firstly we were unable to connect to the CMS to download in Step 1 of the Deployment wizard. We manually copied this across from the other front end server after exporting ( Export-CSConfiguration -Filename c:\ ) and pointing direct at this we get past this step. However in Step 2 we hit the following error: Error: An error occurred while applying SQL script for the feature RtcDatabaseStore. For details, see the log file 'C:\Users\rdadministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\Create-RtcDatabaseStore-lync05.domain.ie_rtclocal-[2016_03_30][15_11_57].log' An error occurred while applying SQL script for the feature LyssStore. For details, see the log file 'C:\Users\rdadministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\Create-LyssStore-aughlync05.augh.com_lynclocal-[2016_03_30][15_11_57].log' An error occurred while applying SQL script for the feature LyssStore. For details, see the log fil...

Exchange rollup ends prematurely

Having problems today with Exchange 2010 (Yes 2010) rollups stopping almost as quick as they start. Found a simple resolution. From an Administrator Command Prompt type the KB name followed by /lxv rollup.log For Example, this is for SP3 RU13: Exchange2010-KB3141339-x64-en.msp /lxv Rollup.log Runs through just fine after this!